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16.03| Koncert: Julian Nicholas Quartet with Jakub Cywinski
16 marca, 2024 @ 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm

Julian Nicholas Quartet with Jakub Cywinski, Tobie Carpenter, and Mike Pickering.
The one-off coming-together of 4 elements; playing Julian’s sophisticated and melodic compositions and re-framed covers from Ellington to Marvin Gaye!
Saxophonist, composer, and educator Julian Nicholas recorded live, for BBC broadcast, at Ronnie Scott’s, upon the return of ‘Loose Tubes’ in 2015, with ‘The Cloggz’, at the South Coast Jazz Festival in 2016, and alongside Claire Martin, live from The Barbican in 2017. He co-founded and curated with Claire Martin O.B.E. the much-celebrated South Coast Jazz Festival (2015-18)
Tickets and more info at: Jazz Cafe Posk London – Polish Club in London