Realizacja projektówI. Przetarg na remont Sali Malinowej w POSK
Szanowni Państwo!
Zapraszam osoby zajmujące się realizacją projektów z branży budowlanej do zgłaszania się do POSK-u w celu renowacji Sali Malinowej w naszym budynku.
Zgłoszenia proszę kierować do mnie na adres:
dr Marek Laskiewicz, Prezes POSK
II. Przetarg na Zabudowę tarasu w Bibliotece Polskiej POSK.
Polish Social & Cultural Association (POSK)
238-246 King Street, London W6 0RF
Date: 08/07/2024
Project: Erection of an extension to the existing 1st floor library on the roof terrace
on the northeast corner of the existing building, to give an extended reading room.
The Project Full Planning Permission Application Nr 2023/0167/FUL
Town and Count Planning Act 1990
Granted by London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
Application for Tender to meet following conditions:
(1) A company applying for tender must be able to demonstrate that it has completed three (3) projects each valued at over £100,000.
(2) The company to have professional insurance liability of £10,000.000 (£10 mil.)
Application to Tender from interested firms to be submitted not later than
than 3 weeks from above date
All applications to be addressed to:
Richard M. Zoltaniecki ( Dir. Library Section POSK)
Polish Social and Cultural Association
238-246 King Street, London W6 0RF
Or alternatively contact us via email: