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Events for 13 grudnia - 17 listopada

11.01| Laura Jurd. Koncert jazzowy

Jazz Cafe POSK 238-246 King Street, London, United Kingdom

Composer-performer Laura Jurd's unique voice as an improvising trumpet player is at…

17.01| Jazz concert: Lulu Pierre

Jazz Cafe POSK 238-246 King Street, London, United Kingdom

The exciting London’s rising jazz vocalist Lulu Pierre, after her enthusiastically received…

01.02| Koncert Kasi Moś

Teatr POSK 238-246 King Street, London, United Kingdom

Kasia Moś zaprasza na wspaniałą muzyczną podróż. To będzie niezwykły kameralny koncert,…

14.02|Amy Lives with a Valentine twist!

Jazz Cafe POSK 238-246 King Street, London, United Kingdom

Celebrating the Music of Amy Winehouse! AMY LIVES, featuring Original Members of…