27.04 | Koncert Marciny Arnold. Celebrating the Jazz Voice!
Jazz Cafe POSK 238-246 King Street, London, United KingdomThis evening will celebrate the legacy of the great jazz voices that…
This evening will celebrate the legacy of the great jazz voices that…
Heidi Vogel, vocalist with The Cinematic Orchestra and a singer and songwriter…
Wystawa fotografii Wiktora Strumiłło "Urzecze i Wisła" od 4 do 17 maja…
Dariusz Zeller oraz Remi Juśkiewicz serdecznie zapraszają na kolejne Londyńskie Spotkania Autorskie. 4…
Essentially Ellington feat. Tony Kofi and Marco Marzola Quartet (MMQ)! April 29this…
Polska Macierz Szkolna serdecznie zaprasza na obchody rocznicowe 80-lecia Bitwy o Monte…
Piano Meditations - concert by Philip Warda. POSK Jazz Club 5 may 4.00pm…
Talk By Dr Sam Osmanagich - Bosnian PyramidsDiscover the fascinating history and…
The Art of the Steal: Nazi looting during WWII - lecture by…
The Royal College of Music Jazz Orchestra! The RCM Jazz Orchestra enjoy regular…
The Darius Brubeck Quartet plays Brubeck Music and South African jazz! Born…